Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wondering about my Toothless Wonder

Wiggle, wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

All day. No budging. Tomorrow she leaves for camp, and she was worried it would come out while she was gone.

Promises of tooth fairy magic, concerns of mislocation.

Wiggle, wiggle.

We forget about it for a while. Then CRASH! Bed jumping accident, tooth accident, problem solved.

Big toothless grin, and toothfairy dreams. Aaaaaahhhh... to be 6.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Camp Grandma this Week

The girls are off at "Camp Grandma" this week. They head out-of-state for a week each summer to spend time with grandparents and cousins, without the watchful eye of old Mom and Dad.

They sent this picture yesterday of them riding a horse. I know they are thrilled! (So, I guess I can overlook the fact that they went horseback riding in the dresses I sent for church, and flip flops??)
All of the sudden, there's only one load of wash a day, one load of dishes, and no one begging for snacks. Yesterday, I forgot about lunch because no one said "Mom, I'm hungry." I still make up silly songs, dance around the kitchen and tell really bad jokes (to myself). Only no one "Maaaooooommmmmm!.." And no one giggles.
The Polly pockets have sat in their box, not once escaping to make a mountain out of the ironing board. The dog hasn't been in trouble once for chewing something that was forgotten and left out.
So I suppose I should be at the spa or lunching with friends. But mostly? Mostly I'm wandering around wondering what I'm doing with myself. Wishing they were here. Stunned at the silence. Missing them.
My husband and I find ourselves refering to "K would have loved this" or "Just like K!" -- it's tough to turn that parenting stuff off.
I hope your having fun girls, but hurry back. Your Dad isn't going to tolerate me cutting his meat into tiny pieces much longer.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Critterman Entertains and Educates at the Flower Mound Library

What's better than an afternoon in the air conditioning on a hot July day?

An afternoon at the Flower Mound library! This week FML hosted Critterman to a packed house with "sold out" tickets. (The tickets are actually free, but they were all gone!)

Critterman was entertaining, educational, and just a darn good dose of fun for all as he showed his collection of critters. Among them were an alligator (who brought screams to bring the house down... no shushing here!), a box turtle, a Texas toad, a King snake and a ferret.
The children packed high and low, were far too entertained to be trouble, and there were even children peeking through the windows for a glimpse of the animals. Thank you Critterman!
The Flower Mound library offers all sorts of free fun for kids and adults alike in July. If you haven't already, check their site for upcoming dates.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Blue Bell Primer and Shhhh! I found it! Southern Blackberry Cobbler

Ahhh! The elusive Southern Blackberry ice cream!! I found it!

First, a primer. Even if you didn't grow up in Texas, if you've been here more than say, a couple of hours... you probably know about Blue Bell ice cream.

Churned up in Brenham, Texas it's about as good as it gets. What you might not have known- Blue Bell makes different flavors, and they rotate. They post the current rotation on their website. (Curses! It used to be only the true followers who knew when the best flavors would be available, but that darned technology has evened the playing field a bit.)
Flavors are made for three months, then they are rotated out and new ones become available. Actually, this isn't entirely true. But that's the blurb from their site. Actually, what happens is they make a small stockpile and they replenish the stores for three months. Once the flavor is sold out, it's gone!
So... what's all this much-a-do about ice cream? Well my friends, it's Southern Blackberry Cobbler rotation time. This is probably one of the most elusive Blue Bell flavors there is (aside from maybe Homemade peaches and cream). I'm always on the look out for it.
This baby is like the Fourth of July picnic and a reunion picnic all rolled into one! Little pieces of flaky crust and a scrumptious ribbon of blackberry cobbler goodness like only your grammy could make!
Let me pause here to tell you flat out that I am NOT being compensated by Blue Bell in anyway for my love of ice cream.

Well, Southern Blackberry Cobbler lovers- I found a few in Flower Mound. And no, I didn't even buy them all. So get on over to the new Kroger at 3040 and Morriss. But I'd make it quick, cause my bowl is empty.

MK :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Kathlyn turns 6 1/2

Kat turned 6 1/2 today. Silly you say? Seriously-- do you remember how long it took between birthdays when you were little???
Nope we're a "celebrating" type family. No sense waiting a whole year to have a little fun.

We don't have a major blowout on the 1/2 birthdays, but we do acknowledge them. The official rule at our humble abode is:

  • pick dinner
  • pick a rental movie
  • ice cream for dessert (Sometimes we switch the ice cream for chocolate pudding.)

Kat's pick was Star Wars. The girls were watching Star Wars Return of the Jedi (which Kaylee has dubbed "The coming back of the white guys"). So Kathlyn took a time out to dress up as Padme. Don't you just love that they start playing the movie instead of watching it? I love that!

Check out her toes sticking out from the boot tips.... A night of chicken nuggets, chocolate chip cookies and Star Wars. And a big smile from my 1/2 birthday girl.

Anyone got a Spare Baby?

I was working on stuff for my FAVORITE of favorite craft fairs today (Fall on the Mound at TMUMC in Septemeber)... when it hit me.

I no longer have a built in model.

Oh sure, last year I might have babified Kaylee up (seriously, I have no pride) and taken some photos of her in her all-so-extra-tininess. But at nearly 5, that's not gonna fly this year. So suddenly. I find myself, literally, in need of a baby.

Now those of you who know me, I need to say this... I do promise to give them back. Really. I mean it. If any of you have a spare baby, who might want to trade some cute things for some high quality photographs for advertising, please let me know.

There's more of Fall on the Mound somewhere down this blog-- I'll try to find the link for you so I don't repeat myself. It's an awesome show! Everything has to be handmade... which I just adore. The creativity of the people around here is amazing. Ask anyone who's been to it, they'll agree-- one of the best around.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Free Ipod for Christmas

Hey, wouldn't that be a cheap gift??

Deal Seeking mom is sponsoring a give-away for Xtra Xtra! Check it out on her website

Technorati code update


Friday, July 3, 2009

Flower Mound July 4th - Patriotic Hair

Tomorrow is one of my all time favorite Flower Mound events... the kids Fourth of July Parade.

Starting at about 10:30 they all line up on Timber Creek on decorated bicycles, skateboards, wagons and what-not and proceed to the park, where there are free hot dogs, popcorn, lemonade and bounce houses, as well as a magician.

This year we decided to have crazy red-white-and blue hair, just for the event. There are always hundreds of parade participants, and typically about 8 - 10 watchers. :) Fun is had by all!

Guilt when Cinderella loses a leg ...

Cinderella lost a leg today. She had an unfortunate encounter with a huge furry monster (well, huge to her anyway..).
So as I was preparing to throw her away, I felt a little guilt. Am I teaching my children the wrong lesson by throwing Cinderella away just because she lost a leg??? Then, I got mad that I felt guilty about this. Crap, what has society done to me that I can't throw away a broken toy???
In these days of reuse, reduce, recycle and respect... it's tough to throw even a dog-slobbered broken amputee toy in the trash. No wonder my house is a wreck!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fourth of July Cookies!

We have a lot of cookie dough. No , I mean, like A LOT of cookie dough.

So time for a little fun.

True, nothing fancy-- but just the thing to make two little girls eat their Chicken Spaghetti Alfredo. (Which is actually quite tasty if you are over the age of say,... 6.)

Marquette Dance Camp

Kathlyn finished up Marquette dance camp today, under the direction of one Miss (wonderful) Alice Dack.
Each day campers worked on skills, technique and learned a few short routines to super-sweet pop tunes from your 6-9 year old's short list of favorites.
Then, after four days, they had show-off. Like the other parents I was there, camera in hand to see what she had learned. (So proud!)
Of course, some of what she learned had nothing to do with dance, and I'm equally proud of her for those things.
Share with others. One little girl did not have a snack each day. Kathlyn asked for extra fruit so she could share with her, if I didn't mind. (I swell with pride here...)
Even if you don't know anyone, you can still have fun. It's tough to go out there without knowing someone your age. But by the end she was asking for phone numbers and arranging her own playdates. She went out hugging a new friend from a different school.
Be a good listener. She can't always tell me what they did, but she does remember what they said.
I was so pleased with the teenagers who helped with this camp, that we are likely to send both back next summer. There were piggy back rides, hair braiding and general "big sister" attitude all around. Kudos to this group of young women for being such gracious hosts, and for making this 6-year old one happy camper!