Many of these I am not present for, so you won't find comments on those here... except of course my overflowing gratitude to these two tireless ladies!
To supplement what they do with their troop and help feed her interest in these activities, we've been working on some additional try-its at home. Some of these are from the try-it hand book, and some are Council's Own Try-its.
If you are not familiar with Council's own try-its, these are try-its designed by individual councils. ANY girls scout can earn them, however, and most councils are more than happy to share. Many of the topics are more in depth than those in the Try-it hand book, and there are many to chose from.
Some have on-line stores with the individual try-it requirements, as well as the try-its available for purchase on-line. Some, you have to call the store and order. Since most of these councils do charge a shipping/handling charge- it's helpful to purchase more than one at a time. Either for a group of girls, working on the same try-it, or wait until you have a few different try-its to order. That way, the cost per try-it is not as high.
Many times, we just choose a try-out that fits with what we are already foing that day. For example, the day we spent biking with the neighbors on the greenbelt, I pulled up the bicycling try-it requirements as well as the sports and games requirements. (Remember! No Double-Dipping!) The day we went skating, I googled Skating Try-it-- and found one. Several of the requirements could be met easily on that outing.
Future of Try-Its: You have probably heard by now that Girl Scouts are Rolling out their JOURNEYS in the fall of 2011. By 2012 all Girl Scouts should be in the new program. This means by the time she bridges to Juniors, we'll be in a whole new program! You can still earn and add try-its until then, as long as they are available. If there's one you really want to try, you might want to go ahead and buy it, set it aside. The council's own try-its, in particular, can't be reordered while they are making the switch. So get 'em while you can.
Mary Kay wasn't born cheap... but she got there pretty quickly.
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