Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Gotta Good Craft Fair?
I love the little dance the vendors do before hand- looking at each others stuff.
I love the anticipation.
I even love the little grandmothers who come by, turn things inside out and see how to make it themselves.
Most people at true craft fairs (no offense to home business type-- but I mean the total all hand-made type of craft fair) is that most of us have day jobs. Most people craft out of love for process. Because it's a calling. Sure-- that first clippie might have started as a "bet I can make that cheaper" but very soon it becomes an obsession that takes over your living room, your bedroom closet, and every other nook and cranny. (Oops!-- Sweetie, are you reading?)
Well it's season again-- that magical time between School starting and Christmas when most of them happen.
I'm doing a few of my absolute favorite ones this year.. if you are a DFW gal like myself, these are not the biggest--- just my favs.
One is the Liberty Elementary Craft Fair.
Now these women know how to do the Holiday Craft fair! Breakfast with Santa! Funnel Cakes! Make your own stuffed animal! Live Reindeer!
I can hardly wait.
Holy Historical Batman! The Single most incredible dress - ever!

You simply won't believe it! Ruffle-fabulouso in princess historical heaven!
If I can't win this for Kathlyn's princess party, I might have to try one. It's by far one of the most fun dresses I've seen lately!
(I hear you guys snickering at me finding 500 hours. But I've got news... for me it would be more like 700!)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dealing with "The BLOB"
I'm working on changing that with a goal of one garment a month.
This month- I'm starting by taking Shannon Gifford's class on Pattern Review.com, "How to Make a Skirt Muslin" . I'll officially review the class when it's over on the Pattern Review board, but I can tell you already, it will be favorable.
Here's side by side pictures of a skirt pattern as originally cut by waist and hip measurements on the pattern, and after making muslin adjustments with Shannon's help.

Pretty cool, huh?
I'm already looking forward to altering this thing when it's done into something wondeful- maybe with that silk blend plaid from High Fashion that I've had in my stash for years...
Even though I've made muslins before- Shannon has a way of making it all come together beautifully. Although I have some adjustments to go-- I'm happy with my progress.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
How to Shir or Repair Shirring

To shir a new garment, first you would test your fabric by measuring a small piece, shirring it, then using your steam iron to shrink the shirring. Then remeasure the piece to determine how much shirring will shrink the material. (Similar to tight gathering.) For example, does it lessen the length by half? then you need to double the fabric width for that section.

Then place your bobbin in your machine as normal. Us a slightly longer stitch (I like to use 3.0) on your machine. I do not adjust the tension on my machine, though you can play with this adjustment if you are using a decorative thread on top.

When shirring on a new project, shir prior to sewing side seams or bindings. This way, the end strings will be caught in the seam. I try to use even numbers of rows whenever possible- then tie the ends together in a knot. In this case, rather than rip out the bindings on the arms, I tacked the beginning stitches, then trimmed close to the tacking when I was done. This was done using the tacking button on my machine.
Sew the rows fairly close together- here this was predetermined for me, but on a new project I would sew them no more than 1/2" apart for a yoke, possibly larger for a back of a dress. Here the previous row of stitching just lines up with the outside of my presser foot.

Here, the portion on the left has been steamed, the portion on the right has not. See? It really does make a difference.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Quick Finish for another UFO

The background fabric is formica print from the same grouping.
I'll keep looking for fabulous, retro buttons that are perfect, but in the meantime, it's out of the UFO pile and on a little person!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Still Keeping Me In Stitches