Monday, August 10, 2009

Babysitter, Babysitter, My Kingdom for a Babysitter!


Why is it when teenagers are finally old enough to babysit, they no longer have enough time to babysit???

I've called TOO MANY. No one available. We're not even talking a Friday night...

Thank goodness for nieces. And sisters. And friends. And no wonder date night gets postponed...


Happy Campers said...

Hey daughter Jessie babysits Reese all the time, and she turns 16 in November so she can drive herself to your place if you need a sitter! Feel free to shoot me an email if you want my cell number...I can put you in touch with her. She's always looking for ways to earn money for clothes!!

Unknown said...

You bethca honey! I am ALWAYS in need of a babysitter! :-)